Redeemer Bible Fellowship
In early 2023, Redeemer adopted Redeemer Bible Fellowship in Medford, Oregon based on doctrinal alignment and a friendship that had formed between the elders and their pastor, Kofi Adu-Boahan. Our goals are simply to help the members replant the church and to ordain Kofi to the gospel ministry. May the Lord use RBF to see many come to know, love, and serve Jesus in the Rogue Valley and beyond.

Shepherd's House Bible Church
In early 2022 the elders of Redeemer commissioned, and fully supported Costi Hinn and Brett McIntosh to plant a church in Chandler, Arizona. Like Redeemer, Shepherd's House Bible Church is focused on preaching the word, making disciples, and reaching lost souls with the gospel. Our prayer is that this church plant is the first of many, as we seek to help people know, love, and serve Jesus here in the Valley and around the world.