About Redeemer Kids
The church of this generation is called to invest in the church of the next generation! “We will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about His power and His mighty wonders.” Psalm 78:4
At Redeemer, we believe that investing in the next generation is to be a priority. We strive to provide a safe, loving and Christ-centered environment. The mission of RedeemerKids is faithful to the mission of RBC. We exist to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Simply stated: We partner with families to nurture the heart of each child toward knowing, loving, and serving Christ.
At Redeemer, we believe that investing in the next generation is to be a priority. We strive to provide a safe, loving and Christ-centered environment. The mission of RedeemerKids is faithful to the mission of RBC. We exist to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Simply stated: We partner with families to nurture the heart of each child toward knowing, loving, and serving Christ.
We want our kids to become followers of Jesus Christ (John 1:12) who share Christ with others.
We want our kids to be nurtured toward a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a responsive love towards others.
We want our kids to experience the joy of serving for His glory (John 9:24).
Weekend Environments
We start encouraging kids at a young age to know, love and serve Christ that they may have a life-long relationship with Him. Caring teachers and leaders prepare environments, activities, and age- appropriate Bible lessons with your child(ren) in mind.

(Birth - 2 years)
Babies grow fast and move through several stages within the first two years of life. As babies grow, we strive to meet their changing needs with classrooms that match their new abilities. We value communication with parents and families so we can best care for these precious ones.

(3 Years - Pre-K)
Preschool years are exciting times, and we treasure the opportunity to share basic truths about God, His love, and His design for their lives. Our classrooms are full of crafts, games, music, and scripture. Preschoolers join for a large group music time designed to create community and excite the kids about the truth they will be discovering in their classes.

(Kindergarten - 6th)
In our elementary groups, we feel that relationship is absolutely essential. Teachers and leaders strive to create rapport with their small groups and to create safe and engaging learning environments. The Bible is God’s great story of redemption. Each week students learn truth from the Bible and discover how they may apply the truth to their everyday lives. From welcome and large group time to closing and send off, RedeemerKids is intentional in utilizing every part of the morning to exalt the LORD and point kids to Christ.