Meet Our New Students Pastor!
Our Approach to Next-Gen Ministry
Redeemer Students is the next-gen ministry at Redeemer and serves Jr. High and High School. We serve those age groups on the same night, during the same time, but in different venues and in different ways on our campus. Redeemer Students exists to raise up, reproduce and release disciples of Christ. We do that through expository preaching, doctrinally-sound music, small-group discipleship, and godly relationships. We take God’s word and our spiritual growth seriously, while having a ton of fun along the way.
The fun starts at 6:30 with ping pong, corn hole and other games. There are also multiple areas where students can relax with friends and fellowship with leaders including fire pit seating, high-top tables in the breezeway, couches in the lobby, or the auditorium. The service starts at 6:45pm and includes worship, preaching, and small-group breakouts. The service and small groups typically end at 8:30pm, and students resume their fellowship together in the gym, on the terrace, and other community spaces.
The fun starts at 6:30 with ping pong, corn hole and other games. There are also multiple areas where students can relax with friends and fellowship with leaders including fire pit seating, high-top tables in the breezeway, couches in the lobby, or the auditorium. The service starts at 6:45pm and includes worship, preaching, and small-group breakouts. The service and small groups typically end at 8:30pm, and students resume their fellowship together in the gym, on the terrace, and other community spaces.

Junior High
(7th-8th grade)
Jr. High students worship with the large group gathering, then break out into their own venue for age-appropriate teaching, small groups, and fun. This ministry is led by a qualified group of leaders.

High School
(9th-12th grade)
We believe that by this age, students should not be coddled or lured in to the church by gimmicks, but rather strengthened in the truth, challenged to live it, and loved along the way. High School students worship with the large group gathering, remain in the auditorium for the main preaching session, then break out with their same gender and grade levels for small groups.

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