All online courses are $10 per person or $20 per family. Please direct all questions to equip@redeemeraz.org. For more information on our Equip program visit the Equip Homepage here.
The World of the Old Testament, Part 1
This class will give an overview of the themes and structures of the historical narratives and timeline of the Old Testament as well as the key words, outlines, key verses and people, and overall purpose of each book.
This class will give an overview of the themes and structures of the literature, poetic, and prophetic portions of the Old Testament as well as the key words, outlines, key verses and people, and overall purpose of each book.
This class will give an overview of the themes and structures of the Gospels and the history of the early church in the New Testament as well as the key words, outlines, key verses and people, and overall purpose of each book.
This class will give an overview of the themes and structures of the epistles and apocalyptic writings of the New Testament as well as the key words, outlines, key verses and people, and overall purpose of each book.
Rightly Dividing the Word
Bible interpretation involves methodology, science, and an artful approach. This process is called Hermeneutics. This course will focus on foundational issues and systems of basic Bible interpretation, focusing on the Authorial Intent and the Grammatical-Historical method of interpretation used at Redeemer Bible Church.
Rightly Knowing the word
This class will serve to strengthen and sharpen your own process for studying the bible for yourself by learning to ask the text several questions in the categories of observation, interpretation, and application. Combined with Hermeneutics, this class will make you a more accurate student of God’s Word.
Christian Theology 1
This class will cover the following categories of classic systematic theology: Prolegomena (foundational knowledge), Theology Proper (Theology of God the Father), Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ), Pneumatology (Theology of the Holy Spirit), and Bibliology (Theology of the Bible).
Christian Theology 2
This class will cover the following categories of classic systematic theology: Anthropology (Theology of Human Beings), Hamartiology (Theology of Sin), Ecclesiology (Theology of the Church), Angelology (Theology of Angels and Demons), Eschatology (Theology of End-Times), and Soteriology (Theology of Salvation).
Christian Life in Prayer & Worship
This class will study the topic of prayer systematically throughout scripture and focus on how the individual Christian, as well as the corporate body, can be actively obedient in prayer. It will also discuss personal and corporate worship as it relates to music, preaching, fellowship, and service through God’s gifting of individuals.
the church throughout history
This course will survey the history and development of biblical and systematic theology from the Apostles to the modern church, highlighting major people and developments throughout the centuries. Topics covered will include: who wrote the New Testament, why were those books chosen for the canon, early church fathers and more.
Congregational Soul Care
Congregational soul care will focus on how believers can be faithful in fulfilling the law of Christ by bearing one another up in love according to Galatians 6. This important ministry aspect of all believers will be explored and applied in the context of every day church life.
Worldview, Apologetics, & evangelism
This class will introduce you to the concepts of worldview and worldview analysis as well as traditional approaches to Apologetics, or the defense of the faith, and methods of effective evangelism. The class will include historical surveys and approaches as well as modern cultural issues.