Redeemer's Microsites allow people who live far from the church campus to enjoy our services with others in their area. It is called a Microsite because these locations offer the online service and a Growth Group. Other ministries are welcome to start up as God brings leadership. In fact, should Jesus decide to do so, we are praying that all these sites become churches one day.
Redeemer's Microsites exist to glorify God through a gathering of believers working together toward a healthy Bible church plant. We desire the following:
What distinguishes us from other churches in the area? Here are some of our unique characteristics:
- To help people know, love, and serve Jesus, in accordance with Redeemer Bible Church’s mission, vision, and values
- To be a faithful Bible teaching church with sound exposition and shepherd-hearted leadership
- To reach our community with the hope of the true and Biblical gospel of Jesus Christ
- To grow from a satellite group of RBC into a healthy, autonomous, local church with biblically qualified pastors and elders and a church family committed to Christ
- To do what healthy churches do: Grow and plant other churches!
What distinguishes us from other churches in the area? Here are some of our unique characteristics:
- Teaching from the Bible that aims to expose God’s meaning and purpose from each passage
- A conviction for Biblically qualified leadership
- A heart for Biblically sound musical worship
- Biblical fellowship geared toward spurring each other on toward love and good deeds
- An evangelistic mindset for the communities
- A desire for unity through the truth of God’s Word

Our Vanuatu Microsite meets on Wednesday evenings at 6pm. The group watches the Redeemer weekend service together, enjoys a time of discussion, and concludes with fellowship and refreshments. Please contact Bobby at chainstolife@gmail.com for more info!